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Shielding Letter Wales Extended

Are you covered by the list of conditions at the end of the letter? Key charts and maps explaining how the virus has spread around the world. Pin on Jewelry Hatpin/StickPin/Jabot This advice is for people who have received a letter from the nhs or their gp saying they're at high risk from coronavirus. Shielding letter wales extended . Letter to patients, 22 june 2020 translations and accessible formats of a letter from the government sent to patients in england who are shielding. This applies to all those identified as being at high risk of severe illness from coronavirus (due to a serious underlying health issue). Shielding to continue for 130,000 people | You only need to shield if you get a letter. There is an easy read version of the letter available. Almost 130,000 people will this week start receiving a letter from the chief medical officer for wales setting out the latest advice to protect them from coronavirus. In england and northern ireland...